Frederic Michel-Verdier on Alliancing benefits
Welcome to the Frederic Michel-Verdier blog. Frederic Michel-Verdier is an infrastructure veteran. On some level, we all know about the importance of relationships. I've had people tell me “invest in your relationships” because investing in the infrastructure of your relationships is just as important as investing in the infrastructure of your code and products. And by sharing this, I'm hoping you can learn it much faster than I did.
Learn Best Practices Early to Accelerate Your Growth
On some level, we all know about the importance of relationships. When you don't know the best practices, it's hard to feel that time in an area is well-spent, especially for someone as passionate about the effectiveness as I am! Just like there are design patterns for code, there are also design patterns for building high-trust and effective relationships in teams. And these best practices can provide step functions of improvement in the quality of the relationships, just like they do for codebases. One of those best practices in designing your work relationships as alliances.Design Your Work Relationships as Alliances
Designing an alliance is one of the most powerful tools for investing in the infrastructure of our relationships. When we explicitly design our alliances, we build trust, and we make hard things become easy. Things, like finding alignment, giving feedback, and getting buy-in from stakeholders, can all feel more like small investments rather than dramatic changes.
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Frederic Michel-Verdier has been instrumental in developing the IFM London office through his strategic relationships and partnerships for the long-term benefit of the investors and their members and has played a key role in a number of the most successful infrastructure investments including the acquisitions of Veolia Poland, FCC Aqualia, Mersin International Port and Deep Container Terminal Gdansk. Learn more about the work of Frederic Michel-Verdier here. Check out Frederic Michel-Verdier's tips on the best guide to designing a powerful alliance here. Alternatively, you can also read Frederic Michel-Verdier's news here.
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